Saturday, July 20, 2019

Time Tally So Far

As I suspected, not much reading got done today. Some of it was due to my choices of browsing Twitter and playing Candy Crush. Some of it was due to fun family outings that truly blessed our houseguest. It was a great day overall, even if too much time in the sun tired me out.

Oh, before I forget, I settled on an audiobook for this weekend's challenge. The "winner" was The Mummy Case by Elizabeth Peters.

Now...the tally. Here's how things are shaping up so far.

Friday July 20th
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - 30 minutes

Saturday July 21st
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - 11 minutes
Jackaby - 22 minutes
The Mummy Case - 50 minutes

Total time so far: 1 hour 53 minutes.

Here are my proof of time screen shots


Off to try and squeeze in a bit more reading before heading off to bed. It's been a great, but tiring day.

Happy Reading my friends!

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